01 02 03 Chantilly Rose: One Pound Bargain 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

One Pound Bargain

So, about 6 weeks ago (possibly longer), I picked up the MOST hideous cabinet known to man from a car boot sale in Peterborough while I was visiting a friend.

I then proceeded to leave it in the boot of my car for said six weeks! I forgot to take a proper 'before' photo, but you can see on the frame around the mirror that it started off life a bashed up, yucky red colour.

I sanded the entire thing and then gave it two coats of brown emulsion.

Yo working hard on her mirror at the same time!

I then used diluted PVA glue and cream emulsion paint to crackle the entire thing, inside and out, it took ages! Once it was all thoroughly dried (which didn't take long in the sunshine), I sanded and scuffed up all the edges so that the brown showed through. Hopefully this made it look a bit more aged!

I varnished the entire thing and then embellished it with various flowers, ephemera and pink liquid pearls, typical Katie style!!

It is now going to house my ever growing collection of jewellery - not bad considering it only cost me a pound!

a very sunburnt Katie
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